Tentative Schedule

A few weeks back, I brainstormed the ideas that I’d like to cover in my creation series.  So far, it’s a short list:

The Sequence of Creation (likely publication date: 4/17/2015) – There seems to be a preoccupation with time when it comes to how the universe was created (first, the number of days until it was complete, and then the elapsed years since anything new was introduced).  My goal is to gloss over all of that and focus more on the order of events, which may give more insight into when things may have been created, based on other prerequisites.

Why 10,000 Years? (projected publication date: 5/1/2015) – In this case, I would focus more on a timeline, but not for the creation events themselves.  When a number like 6,000 or 10,000 is mentioned, it’s often said in a skeptical or sarcastic way, and dismissed without further explanation.  There are actually strong reasons for mentioning numbers in the range of 6,000 to 10,000, which I hope to research by the end of April, in order to keep on a schedule of one post every two weeks.

Ages of the Earth (projected publication date: 5/15/2015) – Similar to the universe described by Tolkien, I strongly believe the Earth has gone through at least two previous “ages.”  The Bible suggests at least two more that are set in the future.

That’s currently the end of the list, although I’m not completely out of ideas (mostly short on time/organization).  One thought is that, for every topic relating to creation, I could try to discover what the opposing viewpoint has to say, and make some comparisons (or mostly contrasts?) between them.  I’m actually most familiar with creation, and would need to read about evolutionary history before feeling confident enough to write a post.  As an example, the concept of multiple “ages” could probably partner with “Uniformitarianism,” since many of the default assumptions in evolutionary theory appear to rely upon conditions remaining the same for long periods of time.

For my alternate series about hobbies and other interests, I’m starting to formulate a few ideas, such as video games, collecting Amiibo, and The Silmarillion.  The part I’m not sure of yet is whether to create a similar two week rotation for those posts that falls in between creation posts, or to make them more frequent.

For now. it’s off to study the concepts that I’ll present in Friday’s post!

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